週末作業 Unit 1 Topic 3

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unit 1 topic 3 知識總結及學案主備:農春錦


section a

about談論 school sports meet is coming.學校運動會就要來了。is coming 現在進行時表示將來,類似的詞有:le**e,go

boys』 800-meter race男子800公尺賽跑

hope so.我希望如此 i hope not.我希望不是那樣的

friends with sb.和某人交朋友

my first time to take part in the high jump.那是我第一次參加跳高

7. be /get ready for sth.= be /get ready to do sth.

= prepare for為…作好準備 8. h**e fun doing sth.很愉快做……

good at doing sth./ sth. 擅長於做某事或擅長於某事= do well in doing sth.在某方面得好

10. take part in = join in = be in 參加,加入

one』s best to do sth.= try one』s best to do sth.盡某人最大努力做某事

secion b、c and d

make it half past six.那我們定在六點半吧

the sports meet舉行運動會

3. take some photos/pictures照一些相片

first place in=be the first in在…獲得第一名

badly in…在…做得差

the first to do sth.第一次做 …的人

able to do sth.能、會做某事

the first time 第一次做某事

the olympic games主辦奧運會

10. the modern olympics現代奧運會

symbol of… ….的象徵

for 代表 least至少 15. in turn輪流

二、 單項選擇。(10分)

( )1. i bought a pair of running shoes because i want to _______ the teachers』 relay race.

a. join b. join in c. take part d. h**e part in

( )2. the motto of the modern olympics is

a. fast, high, strong b. faster, higher, stronger

c. faster, high, strong d. faster, high, stronger

( )3.--- do you think shanghai shenhua will win the game ?

it』s my f**orite team .

a. i hope so . b. i hope not .

c. i』m afraid not. d. i do』t thing so.

( )4. —it』s li lei』s first _______ the finishing line.

—how great he is!

a. pass b. passing c. to pass d. past

( )5. li ming will take part in the boys

a. 800-meter race b. 800-meter races

c. 800 meter race d. 800-meter-races

( )6. —shall we go out for a picnic this sunday?

a. that』s right. b. best wishes.

c. good idea. d. it』s nothing.

( )7. don』t shout at him. he is only _______ boy.

a. a eight-year-old b. an eight-year-old

c. a eight years old d. an eight years old

( )8. ---we will h**e an english party tomorrow. will you take part in iti like english very much.

a. of course i will . b. of course not .

c. not at alld. sorry, i h**e no time .

( )9. all the chinese were _______ when they heard liu xiang won the first. it was really

a. exciting, excited b. excited, exciting

c. exciting, exciting d. excited, excited

( )10. —hi, i』m xiao li, i』m very glad to _____friends _______you. —me too.

i』m xiao wang.

a. get; like b. make; with c. get; with d. make; to

( )11.---will you please pass that english book me ?

here you are .

a. for b. to c. of d. with

( ) the people』s republic of china .

for b. stands for c. stand of of



1. he looks old and he is至少)60 years old.

2. the government (**) should give every child

(乙個機會) to go to school.

3. five rings are的象徵)the olympic games.

4. after finishing男子一千公尺賽跑),mr. zhang felt very tired.

5. i』m glad that many people like跳高).

6做早操) will keep us healthy.

7. i want to交朋友) lucy and lily.

8. she為……準備好) the english exam.

9. ---when shall we meet定在) half past five? 10.

---hello您是) mr. wang? ---yes, speaking.

11將有) another exciting basketball game.

12. we will meet在操場上).

13. pleasethe box把……遞給)lily.

14. he came to beijing第一次)in 2004.

15. in the boys』 relay race, fu gang was the first to pass the終點線).

does prc代表)。

17. i為…..做準備) the long jump.

computer will cost at至少)10,000 yuan. it』s too expensive.


1.this term lily does well instudy) english.

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