
2022-12-10 01:21:02 字數 4722 閱讀 5129


short conversations




重點場景:airport(flight) restaurant hotel

重點主題:campus life job-hutting




例一: 2023年6月24日第11題

a) the girls got on well with each other.

b) it's understandable that girls don't get along。

c) she was angry with the other young stars.

d) the girls lacked the courage to fight.

原文:m:what was it like working with those young stars? (前句;問句)

w: it was a great group. i always got mad that people said that we didn't get along just because we

are girls. there was never a fight. we had a great time. (後句;答句)


例二: 2023年12月第17題

a) she wants to get some sleep.

b) she needs time to write a *****.

c) she has a literature class to attend.

d) she is troubled by her sleep problem.

原文:m: how about joining me for a cup of coffee?

w: i'd love to, but i'm exhausted. i was up till 3 this morning writing a ***** for my literature class.

q: why does the woman decline the man's invitation?

解析:準確答案a。用來替換i'm exhausted(疲倦),同義替換,聽到的慎選。

longer conversations




重點場景:airport(flight) hotel

重點主題:campus life job-hunting






例題: 2023年12月

23. a)she is thirsty for promotion.

c)she is tired of her present work.

b)she wants a much higher salary.

d)she wants to s**e tr**el expenses.

24. a)translator.

c)language instructor.

b)tr**el agent.

d)environmental engineer.

25. a)lively personality and inquiring mind.

b)communication skills and team spirit.

c)devotion and work efficiency.

d)education and experience.


原文:w:oh! i'm fed up with my job!(第一次作對第23題的機會,be fed up with sth/sb意思為厭倦某事或某人)

m:hey!there's a perfect job for you in the ***** today. you might be interested.

w:oh?what is it?what do they want?

m:wait a minute…ah,here it is. the european space agency.

it's recruiting translators.(第24題。視聽基本一致)

w:the european space agency?

m:well,that is what it says. they need an english translator(第24題。

視聽基本一致) to work from french or german.

w:so they need a degree in french or german,i suppose. well,i've got that.

what's more? i've plenty of experience. what else are they asking for?

m:just that.. a university degree,and 3 or 4 years experience as a translator in a professional environment.

they also say,the person should h**e a lively and inquiring mind,effective communication skills,and the ability to work individually,or as a part of the team.(第25題ab項同時被讀到,於是就都錯了)

w:well,if i stay on my present job much longer,i won't h**e any mind or skills left.(作對第23題的第二次機會) by the way,what about the salary?

i just hope it isn't lower than what i get now.

m:it's said to be negotiable. it depends on the applicant's education and experience.

(最後被讀到,第25題準確答案。視聽基本一致) in addition to basic salary,there's a list extra benefits. h**e a look yourself.

w:em…tr**el and social security plus relocation expenses are paid. hey,this isn't bad,i really want the job.

questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you've just heard:

23. why is the woman trying to find a new job?

24. what position is being advertised in the *****?

25. what are the key factors that determine the salary of the new position?

passage comprehensions








例題: 2023年12月第一篇短文聽力

26. a)they care a lot about children.

b)they need looking after in their old age.

c)they want to enrich their life experience.

d)they want children to keep them company.

are usually adopted from distant places.

b)their birth information is usually kept secret.

c)their birth parents often try to conceal their birth information.

d)their adoptive parents don't want them to know their birth parents.

28. a)they generally hold bad feeling towards their birth parents.

b)they do not want to hurt the feelings of their adoptive parents.

c)they h**e mixed feelings about finding their natural parents.

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