
2022-12-07 00:09:04 字數 3502 閱讀 4171


unit 2 teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

1. ---can i go to the shopping center (和) john? he just got his駕駛證).

沒門). i don't think十六歲的人)should be allowed to drive. i'm擔心)your safety.

2. teenagers不應該) be allowed to smoke.

3. i同意) you. they are not足夠嚴肅).

4. i'm really excited aboutsee) the famous paintings (出自) picasso.

5. mr. smith says we禁止) take photos.

6. do you think we也許) be allowed to take photos如果) we don't use a flash.

7. i'll bring my camera不管怎樣).

8. when i was a little babycry) all night, my momsing) to me and stayed在…旁邊) my side.

9. when i was累的疲憊的)and hungry, she g**e me food and warm arms to睡覺

10. when i was running穿過) the field, she made sure that i was safe and使我遠離危險).

11. but i shouted back憤怒地).

12. please be back在…之前) ten.

13. i should not be told做什麼).

14. i was遲到) school from待在外面) pass ten.

15. mom knows me最了解我).

16. think about a time you did something儘管) your mom told you別做).

17. too much hobbies can妨礙) our schoolwork .

18. they should be allowed to練習) their hobbies盡可能多) they want.

19. he is在) his schoo team and (want) to be a職業的)runner when he長大).

20. we know多麼)he loves running. we h**e nothing反對) running.

21. he needs to think aboutwill happen if he doesn't最終結束) as a professional runner.

22. my parents h**e alwaysteach) me important it iswork) hard at school.

23. i know my parents關心) me.

24. only theni h**e 的正確形式)a chance to實現) my dream.

25. he needs to spend more timehis homework.

26不管多少)difficulties we h**e, i believe all the problems cansolve) in the end .

unit 3 it must belong to carla.

27who 的正確形式) volleyball is this? itbe) carla's.

28. where did you上次最後一次) put it? iremember).

29. i參加) a concert yesterday so itbe) in the music hall.

30. do you h**e有價值的東西) in your schoolbag?

31. so itnot steal 的正確形式).

32. i left early, before剩餘的其他的) my friends. i remember i had my bag和…在一起) me在野餐時) the picnic.

33. we live in a small town and幾乎) everyone knows相互).

34沒有發生過什麼事情)ever happened在…附近) here.

35一些不同尋常的事情) is happening in our town.

36. when he採訪) by the town news*****, he said hehear) strange noise.

37. my parents called the policemen, but they (not) find奇怪的東西).

38. one woman in the area saw somethingrun) away.

39. i think it wasbigbe a dog.

40也許) itbe) a bear. = itbe) a bear.

41. everyoneh**e) his or her自己的) ideas.

42. there mustbe) somethin**isit) the homes in our neighborhood. but we不知道).

43. the噪音製造者)is h**ing太多) funcreate) fear.

44. itbe不可能是) a dog, it is bigger .

45. stonehenge isone of british's most famous historical places不僅…而且…)one of its greatest迷).

46. they want to see the sunrise在) the longest day of the year.

47. for many years歷史學家) believed that stonehenge was a templeancient leaders tried to communicate和) the gods.

48. he指出) that the leaders arrivedengland much later.

49. the large stonesput) in a確定的) way.

50. they think the stones can preventill) and keep peoplehealth).

51. no one is sure stonehenge was used for.

52. you can feel the energy from the feetmove) up your body.

53. some think it也許是be) a burial place or a placehonor) ancestors.


聯誼學校2016屆初三英語試題 2016年4月 本次考試分a卷和b卷。全卷滿分120分,考試時間為120分鐘。a卷 滿分90分 注意事項 1 答a捲前,考生務必將自己的姓名 准考證號 考試科目用鉛筆準確填塗在答題卡上相應的位置。2 a卷的第一部分 第二部分以及第三部分每小題選出答案後,用鉛筆將答題卡...


課時規劃總結 部門 南聯教員 李秀春 授課日期 10.6 7 學生年級 九年級 層次 60 80分 授課時間段 複習課 授課日期 2013年10月6日教學時段 a 學生年級 九年級學生層次 60 80分 上課型別 複習課 聽力技巧 1.要抓緊時間,提前審題。每次做題前,迅速瀏覽聽力部分,盡快根據題幹...


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